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The general supplier of wood raw materials to APPM fully offsets the GHG emissions by absorption during the timber exploitation

20 jan 2021

The Titan Group of Companies, the general supplier of wood raw materials to Arkhangelsk PPM, is a responsible forest user and carries out different activities aimed at conservation and protection of forests, forest regeneration, etc., the result of which is the removal (absorption) of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere and its deposition in different biomass pools: land biomass, underlays, soil.

The value of the net absorption of greenhouse gases (hereinafter - GHG) by forest ecosystems is defined as the sum of their absorption from the atmosphere and emissions into the atmosphere as a result of natural and anthropogenic processes occurring in these ecosystems. In this case, GHG absorption is considered as anti-emission and is written with a minus sign (-), while emissions are written with a plus sign (+).

According to the calculations of IIS Environmental Investment Center, the net absorption of carbon dioxide (CO2) by all forest areas managed by Titan GC amounted to - 216,700 t CO2-equivalent in 2019.

Thus, the GHG emissions from the logging operations of the enterprises of Titan GC in 2019 (163,548 t СО2-equivalent) were fully offset by the absorption of GHGs during the timber exploitation (-216,700 t СО2-equivalent).

As previously reported, the holding is the first among Russian logging companies carried out an inventory of GHG emissions.

In accordance with the accepted Climate Strategy until 2030, Sawmill 25, an enterprise of the Titan GC, will also continue to work on strategic planning and management of GHG emissions, assessment and management of climate risks and opportunities. In particular, in 2021, the reductions in GHG emissions for the period 2019-2020 will be determined.


The Titan Group of Companies was founded in 1990.

The strategic direction of activity is logging (the estimated allowable cut is 5.5 million m³) and woodworking (the largest sawmill in the European part of Russia - Sawmill 25 CJSC).

The Titan Group of Companies includes 10 separate logging divisions (Velskoe, Dmitrievskoe, Karpogorskoe, Lukovetskoe, Pinezhskoe, Konoshskoe, Syamzhenskoe, Ust-Pokshengskoe, Svetlozerskoe, Shalakushskoe), Verkhnetoemsky LPH LLC, as well as its own logistics company - Belomorskaya Boom Company LLC.

The capacities of the three sites of Sawmill 25 CJSC allow to process 2 million m³ of sawing logs at an annual rate, the volume of sawn timber production is 900 thousand m³, pellets - 200 thousand tons.